domingo, 29 de setembro de 2024



Following the recent events of the Israeli attack on Lebanon. The Hesperian committee of public health has decided to make over with the peace deal between Hesperia and Israel. The Hesperian government was initially in support of the Israeli government for attacking HAMAS in Gaza city. But after the recent attacks Israel has done to Hezbollah, the assasination of Hassan Nasrallah, and killing our fellow Shia Muslims and Christians; Hesperia was forced to give up the peace deal. And declare war.

The recent announcement by Intendant Don Juan of Persia on the matter:

"Tomorrow, I shall and will hold a celebration for the lost soldiers. "Bomb Palestine" it’s okay, not a real country.. but Lebanon. That’s where Hesperia draws the line, this is no longer protecting your own nation. this is war. Hesperia will not watch while Lebanon is being attacked. Our peace deal with Israel is over. We love Jews, not the Israeli government, We signed the goy accords. [...] Sadly I am here to announce our peace deal with Israel is over as they have stepped over the line and attacked Lebanon and killed our fellow Shia Muslims and Christians and given a bad reputation for the Shia Jews of this world so as of today we are at war with Israel. Long live The kingdom of of Golgotha Hesperia and for a great feature for all the Shia Jews, Muslims and Christians!"

D. Manoel de Benquerença's announcement:

"The recent attack that Israel has done on Lebanon is disheartening. Hassan Nasrallah was our friend. Israel was our friend. We must protect those who are the righteous, Israel had full justification for the attack on Palestine, but the attack on Lebanon was unjustified. As per the Goy Policy, the jewification continues, but the Israeli government is no longer Jewish, it is Sunni, and no longer justified. War on Israel is declared for the sake of the Shia Christians, Shia Jews, and Shia Muslims. But not the Sunnis."

Further announcements will be published and the advancements in war will be published too. The events that have happened today in the Hesperian government are a coincidence with the currently militarization of Hesperia. Before the attacks happened, the Directorate of Science and Technology began a duty to militarize Hesperia, which aligns perfectly with the Hesperia-Isreal War.

sábado, 21 de setembro de 2024


The General Director of Science and Technology has been declared dead by Intendant Don Juan of Persia, King Manoel I, and King Luis I. 

Official statements:

"Either Tristin is stupid and his gunpowder didn't do gunpowder things and he's fine, or Tristin is stupid and his gunpowder did gunpowder things and he blew up; either way Tristin is stupid."

-King Luis I.

"He blew up [...] He deserved it anyways; I'm glad he did it"

-King Manoel I

"Holy fucking dumbass [...] Nobody can check on him, since I’m in Mexico"

-Intendant Don Juan of Persia

The official obituary reports that (Officially) Tristin Oswell Maximiliano Federico Enrique Wolfgang Schmittenschlager Robespierre Desmoulins died on September 21st of 2024 by microwave explosion:



Canadian Legal Name: *censored* 

Hesperian Legal Name: Tristin Oswell Maximiliano 

Federico Enrique Wolfgang Schmittenschlager Robespierre Desmoulins

Date of Death: 21/09/2024

Reason for Death: Microwave Explosion


HESPERIA DECLARES WAR! Following the recent events of the Israeli attack on Lebanon. The Hesperian committee of public health has decided to...